Photograph wildlife in the wild while respecting their space.
Don’t support businesses charging for photos with animals. The animals are often subjected to harsh conditions beforehand in order to be willing to pose with humans and are typically poorly cared for when not in public.
Understand the importance of natural habitats
Feeding wild animals harms their ability to find food naturally, impacts their nutrition, and teaches them to get dangerously close to humans.
Enjoy wild animals in their natural surroundings, rather than in captivity, wherever possible.
Visit responsible sanctuaries and conservation centers. Not all zoos and sanctuaries are created equal, so do research to make sure you’re visiting genuine, responsible venues.
Avoid activities that involve obvious animal cruelty, like bullfighting, elephant riding, or crocodile wrestling.
Respect natural habitats by keeping them litter free and causing as little disturbance as possible.
Don’t support the use of animals for soliciting money (like snake charming or posing for selfies).
Coming into contact with animals
Wild animals aren’t pets. Holding or petting wildlife can be dangerous and is not in the animal’s best interest to survive in the wild, despite your best intentions.
Only ride domesticated animals such as horses, donkeys, or camels because they have been conditioned to work with humans over centuries. Always make sure the animal is well cared for.
Don’t handle, touch, or come into close contact with wild animals (even those in captivity).
Don’t feed wild animals as it alters their behavior to be dependent on humans and causes them to become aggressive.
Don’t visit any attraction offering performances or shows involving wild animals as the training they go through to perform is cruel and unnatural.
Don’t consume any endangered species, buy souvenirs made from their body parts, or purchase products that involve cruelty.